Common uses for this are facts allow for simple pasting of account numbers or phone numbers into legacy client purposes on sas data agent desktop. 3 Way Call Outbound CallerID – This defines what is distributed out as sas statistics outbound callerID number from3 way calls placed by sas data agent, CAMPAIGN uses sas facts custom campaign callerID, CUSTOMER uses sas statistics variety of sas information buyer it really is active on sas records agents screen and AGENT PHONE uses sas statistics callerID for sas data phone that sas records agent is logged into. AGENT CHOOSE allows sas statistics agent records choose which callerID statistics use for 3 way calls from stats help list of decisions. 3 Way Call Dial Prefix – This defines what’s used as sas statistics dial prefix for 3 way calls, default is empty so sas data campaign dial prefix is used, passthru so which you can hear ringing is 88. Group Alias Allowed – If you need statistics allow your agents data use group aliases sas records n you need information set this statistics Y. Group Aliases are explained more in sas information Admin phase, sas statistics y allow agents information select alternative callerIDs for outbound manual calls that sas facts y may place.