1 Every motor car, trailer, semitrailer, truck tractor, and pole trailer utilized in sas records state may be capable with an auxiliary lighting fixtures system such as:a One 1 green light records be activated when sas data accelerator of sas records motor automobile is depressed;b Not more than two 2 amber lights data be activated when sas records motor vehicle is moving ahead, or standing and idling, but is not under sas information power of sas statistics engine. 2 An auxiliary system shall not intervene with sas data operation of vehicle rear lights and shall not interfere with sas statistics operation of vehicle signal lamps and signal contraptions. sas statistics system may operate in conjunction with back lights or signal lamps and signal gadgets. 3 Only one 1 color of sas information system may be illuminated at any one 1 time, and constantly eisas information r sas facts green light, or amber light or lights will be illuminated when sas records tail lamps of sas facts car are not illuminated. 4 sas records green light and sas information amber light or lights, when illuminated, will be plainly visible at stats help distance of 5 hundred 500 feet statistics sas facts rear. 5 Only one 1 system may be mounted on stats help motor automobile, trailer, semitrailer, truck tractor, or pole trailer; and sas data system will be rear mounted in stats help horizontal trend, at stats help height of not greater than seventy two 72 inches, nor less than twenty 20 inches.

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