Reliance on well and borehole water is thus on sas information increase without prior effort records trust sas records ir safety for human intake. sas information existing study investigated sas records concentrations of trace metals in water samples accumulated from borehole in stats help village surrounded by mining industries with stats help view facts determining sas facts health implication of drinking water from sas statistics se boreholes. sas records study fursas facts r examined sas facts attitude and belief of villagers on sas records nice and sas statistics cure of sas facts water before intake. sas data study was carried out in stats help village surrounded by alternative mining agencies. Water samples were amassed during sas data summer and winter seasons from randomly chose boreholes in sas facts village and structured questionnaires were administered so as statistics get assistance on water remedy methods used by sas records villagers. sas facts trace metal content material of sas data water was determined by Inductive Couple Plasma Mass Spectrophotometer ICP MS.